Thinking of using UAS (a.k.a.: drones) in your organization?
Or do you already have a UAS but aren’t sure you’re operating legally, safely, or getting the ROI you should be from it?
Menet Aero’s team has led the successful accomplishment of hundreds of thousands of accident-free flight hours in both the military and civilian environments. Our training can help you get the most out of your UAS investment.
On February 16, 2018 in Pewaukee, WI we are hosting the following course for any organization using or considering to use UAS.
UAS Program Overview - 4 hours
- Covers everything you need to know about how to operate legally and safely
- Provides overview of UAS applications including aerial photography, video, survey and mapping, inspections, and specialized sensors.
- Explains fundamental elements of a safe, successful, sustainable UAS program
- Provides foundation for making the decision of whether to bring UAS operations in house vs. outsourcing
- Attendees will walk away with a roadmap for what they need to do to get the ROI they desire from UAS.
The class runs from 9am to 1:30pm and includes a bag lunch.
Location: Country Springs Hotel (soon to be The Ingleside Hotel) 2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee, WI 53072
The cost for this event is $199 per person.
Sign up here