A Call For Collaboration: A First Step Towards Airspace De-confliction Between Manned and Unmanned Aircraft
Tammy Chatman, CMTE, Flight for Life Transport System, and Peter Menet, UH-60, Section 330/107 Pilot, UAS Advocacy Network, Menet Aero
The number of UAS(drone) sightings by manned aircraft has risen to more than 250/month in 2017 from approximately 100/month in 2016. With 2017 drone sales projected to be nearly 3 million, this number and the issues that unmanned aircraft pose to manned aircraft will only continue to increase. Has the FAA got this right? Wrong! It is up to the entire aviation community to find a way to co-exist in the national airspace with drones for the safety of all aircraft, especially air medical helicopters, and their occupants. This presentation will delve into the work of two groups in Wisconsin-the State of Wisconsin Air Coordination Group and the UAS Advocacy Network-who are making a difference by bringing stakeholders to the table to enhance safety, facilitate education and de-confliction in the airspace between manned and unmanned aircraft through collaboration, coordination and cooperation.
More information can be found here